Developing Culture Sensitive Psychometrics in SriLanka
Our recent lecture tour across SriLanka revealed that Psychometric tools are growing in popularity in Sri Lanka, especially in Recruitment, Selection and Development.
However, the tests currently used in Sri Lanka, have been adapted from one language and culture to another, without sufficient consideration of cultural context.
Research reveals that there are various cultural differences that require CALIBRATION of MEASUREMENTS to make Psychometric tools meaningful, and this also applies to Sri Lanka.
OXFORD PSYCHOMETRICS with the support of Professor Peter Saville, founder of SAVILLE CONSULTING is calibrating a series of Personality and Aptitude tests to the Sri Lankan Professional context.
As a part of this ground breaking piece of research we are able to offer participants world-class psychometric feed-back, for professional and personal development purposes.

Executives & Managers from diverse backgrounds (age, sex and professional settings) have already completed the tests. You too can receive professional developmental feed-back, that will take your career to the next level, from our qualified psychologists. Contact us directly
Here's what our clients say
" It was different to any previous Psychometric Test I have done and useful as specific skills were tested – verbal, numerical & abstract. It required me to prepare ahead as well which was an effort but actually a useful exercise. Testing these areas makes the whole process more valid in my opinion.
The Reports are useful as the findings resonate with my own self-belief while others (low scores) tell me I should focus a bit more on improving such areas.
The Inhibitors and enhancers were also in line with my preferences of the preferred work environment.
These Personality & Aptitude tools I believe would benefit any organisation or person seeking to make sound recruitment decisions and also to enhance the talent of its human resources".
Head of HR – Leading International Tea Company, Sri Lanka
Wave® Focus Styles
Wave Focus Styles questionnaire (13 minutes completion) very powerfully provides 80% of the validity of Wave Professional Styles. It is used for volume recruitment, selection, development, talent management, succession planning and team effectiveness.