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What is Coaching Psychology ?

As Chartered Psychologists, with over 20 years of experience working within the non-clinical population, we use the art and science of psychology to support clients to lead a happier, more successful or satisfying life. 

We do not judge, impose or assume that we are the 'experts' in what our clients need to do in life and as such do not give 'advice'. We use our knowledge and expertise in psychology to help and support them as they navigate themselves through practical and down to earth ways, to create their own successes at work and in life.

In our work we use tools and techniques drawn from the domains of clinical, counselling and organisational/ occupational psychology and are predominantly cognitive behavioural in nature. 

As coaching psychologists, we do not provide specific answers or rules to work by.  Instead constructively challenge the beliefs and assumptions that clients make that prevent them from either reaching their potential or from finding a different path, and help them set out their own path for personal success in life and at work. 

Coaching Psychology promotes Emotional Well-being

"Well-being refers to positive and sustainable characteristics which enable individuals and organisations to thrive and flourish".  The Well-being Institute - University of Cambridge


Coaching Psychology starts with the understanding that the client is relatively healthy and wants to work towards enhancing their well-being and performance, in life and/or in the workplace.  It is present and future focused and time limited

Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine works with patients who require therapy and or medical intervention to address issues (which can range from mild to severe) and tends to tackle various forms of mental illness, and generally aims to work towards bringing the patient to average health. 

If and when a coaching client needs medical/clinical/ psychological intervention, as an HCPC Chartered Occupational Psychologist we can professionally recognise the signs and will advice the client to seek, and where relevant assist to find, the relevant specialists .  (BPS code of conduct; sec 2.3).  As coaching psychologists, we are able to work with clients who are receiving medical help whilst working with us, where it is helpful appropriate for the client. 

Clinical/ Psychiatric Therapies                                                Coaching                                                                                   

Client psycho-emotionally unwell                                                Client psycho-emotionally relatively healthy                           

Focused on dealing with present and the past                            Present and future focused                                                         

Unresolved issues and feeling Driven                                         Goals and Action driven                                                             

Towards understanding and emotional healing                           Towards higher level of functioning                                             

Absorbs information                                                                     Acts on information                                                                     

Face to face in office                                                                    Via Phone, Internet or face to face                                             

Therapist as 'expert'                                                                     Coach and Client collaborate on solutions                                 

Contact between sessions only for crises                                    Contact between sessions                                                         

Not time limited - can be ongoing.                                                Time limited - typically 5 - 6 sessions         

Medication may be prescribed (by medics)                              

Is Stress a mental illness?

Being under pressure is a normal part of life. It can help you take action, feel more energised and get results. But if it starts to become overwhelming, these feelings can become problematic for you.

Stress is not a psychiatric diagnosis, but it is closely linked to your mental health.  Please visit for more details.

Work-place Stress and Anxiety has become more prevalent today as individuals are forced to handle heavier workloads whilst juggling more priorities both at work and at home.


By considering the root of your stress and anxieties, with the help of a Coaching Psychologist,  you can develop healthier strategies to enhance your well-being and performance.

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